Recently I was bemoaning my woeful lack of blogging … *again*, so Glenda donned her consultant’s hat and offered to walk me through her new client questionnaire to work out just why I wanted a blog anyway. The results were quite eye-opening and have given me a bit of a metaphorical kick up the pantaloons.
Turns out I love making connections with people, particularly those who are interested in random and eclectic stuff because that makes them interesting people in my book. (Mmmm, books ….) The blog has always been a place for me to express and indulge in my curiosity about those things that tickle my fancy, including books, science, art, stories, music and of course blacksmithing.
Now what I hope to do in the future is approach blog writing more as a conversation starter and I would love it if you joined in and left me a comment or use the contact page to message me if you don’t want to make a comment public.
I’ve also started a mailing list so you can get my blog posts delivered to your inbox if you wish. It’s all above board and done through Mailchimp so your personal data is subject to very stringent data protection (and all within your own control to opt out or update) which is something I feel very strongly about. It also means that if I do anything monumentally interesting, I can let you know all about it. You’ll find a sign up box around here somewhere (exactly where depends on what flavour of device you are using to read this).
So here’s a shout out to the inquisitive, enquiring, questioning, invesigative minds – what fires up your curiosity, floats your boat, whets your whistle or gets your goat? (thank you, thank you, here all week, etc)
Go on, give me a new rabbit hole topic to explore.
Nice to see you back again
Thanks Margaret – it’s good to be back and to have some new ideas about what I want this blog to be.
HI Adrian
speaking of enquiring minds, are you aware of Willis Eschenbach? Has a blog and also writes at Wattsupwiththat.
Mathematician, programmer, marine engineer, sailor, (ex drug smuggler Sssshhh) and general interested-in-everything guy. Worth a look!
Ooh, sounds interesting. I shall have to investigate…